
  • You must meet attendance requirements in order to satisfy the conditions of your visa. These attendance requirements will be clearly explained to you during the orientation program. 
  • Overseas students are required to maintain at least 80% attendance all the time during their enrollment. This means that you must attend at least 80% of the face-to-face scheduled course contact hours per week.
  • 100% attendance = 20 face-to-face scheduled course contact hours per week
  • 80% attendance = 16 face-to-face scheduled course contact hours per week
  • Self-access and other optional study time do not count toward your attendance
  • If your attendance drops below 85% or you are absent for 5 consecutive days without approval (e.g., a medical certificate or an approved temporary suspension of studies/leave of absence – see the Deferral, Suspension and Cancellation of the Student Handbook for more information), the College will send you a First Warning Letter for Unsatisfactory Attendance and invite you to an intervention and strategy meeting.
  • At this meeting you will discuss the reasons for your unsatisfactory attendance and agree on an appropriate intervention strategy, including weekly follow-up meetings and a range of support options that we can offer you. 
  • If, after providing you with this support, your attendance continues to be unsatisfactory, you will be sent the Second Warning Letter for Unsatisfactory Attendance and invited to another meeting. At this meeting you will discuss your continued attendance issues and the risks to your enrolment and visa if your attendance does not improve.
  • If, as a result of your unsatisfactory attendance, it is determined that you will be unable to achieve 80% attendance for the course even if you attend all scheduled contact hours for the rest of the course, you will be sent a Notice of Intention to Report for Unsatisfactory Attendance, advising you of the College’s intention to report you to the Department of Education and Training for not meeting attendance requirements.
  • This letter will also explain your right to access the College’s Complaints and Appeals process within 20 working days of the date of the letter. 

    If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, you can refer to the Student Handbook or speak to the SSO.