Student Code of Conduct

Our code of conduct ensures that the College provides a safe and supportive environment to deliver services to our clients.

1. All people connected with the college must be respectful to each other at all times

2. Students must conduct themselves in an orderly and safe manner

3. Students must follow workplace health and safety rules and prevent injuries to themselves or any other students or staff

4. Students are required to inform trainers or staff of the college about possible hazards

5. Students must follow college’s emergency procedures

6. Smoking is not permitted in the college’s premises. Students wishing to smoke have to exit the building. Leaving the college is only permitted during break times

7. Food or drinks are not permitted in the classrooms or computer labs

8. No drugs or illegal substances are permitted in the college’s premises

9. No weapons are allowed in the college’s premises

10.  Students should not use devices that may disrupt classes, e.g. mobile phones or media players

11.  Students are responsible for their own possessions and they should not leave their valuables unattended

12.  It is important to dress appropriately when attending classes. Students are required to wear clean and tidy clothes

13.  Students must attend classes and make genuine attempts to complete study, assessments and other class tasks

14.  Students must not plagiarise. Plagiarism is academic cheating and students who continue to plagiarise may be dismissed from the college

15.  Students must not harass, discriminate or bully other students, teachers or staff of the college at any time

16.  Students are encouraged to report any discriminatory behaviour, harassment or bullying to the teachers or other staff of the college

Students who fail, or choose not, to comply with the Code of Conduct will be given a verbal warning in the first instance, written warning with intention to expel the student in the second instance, and a dismissal from the college in the third and final instance. Student can appeal the decisions by the college