GAME “Charades with Verbs!”

Objective: The objective of the game is to have players act out basic verbs without speaking, while the rest of the group tries to guess the action.

Materials Needed:

  • Slips of paper with easy verbs written on them (one verb per slip)
  • A container to hold the slips of paper


  1. Prepare the Game: Write simple and familiar verbs on slips of paper. Use verbs that are easy to act out and understand. Fold the slips and place them in the container.
  2. Form Teams: Divide the players into two or more teams, depending on the number of participants.
  3. Start the Game: Choose one player from the first team to be the “actor.” The actor will come to the front of the group.
  4. Draw a Verb: The game facilitator or a representative from the opposing team picks a random slip from the container without showing the word to the actor. The actor needs to act out the verb without speaking.
  5. Guess the Verb: The actor’s team members try to guess the verb being acted out. Encourage them to use simple English words or gestures to communicate their guesses.
  6. Switch Roles: Repeat steps 3 to 5 with the next team, rotating the actors.
  7. Keep Score: Keep track of each team’s successful guesses on the board.
  8. Play Multiple Rounds: Continue playing multiple rounds, allowing different players to be the actor for each turn.
  9. Declare the Winner: At the end of the game, tally the points, and the team with the most successful guesses wins.

Sample Verbs:

  • Eat
  • Drink
  • Sleep
  • Run
  • Jump
  • Dance
  • Read
  • Write
  • Draw
  • Sing

Keep the game light-hearted and enjoyable for English beginners by using common and easy-to-understand verbs. It’s an entertaining way to practice vocabulary and encourage communication in a fun and interactive setting. Enjoy the game and have fun learning English!